RTL Design and Integration Training

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RTL Design and Integration Training

About Course

RTL Design and Integration Course is of 5 months duration focused on enabling participant with RTL integration job role. Training focus will be on RTL coding using Verilog & VHDL, manual integration, developing the glue logic during integration, tool based integration, linting, CDC, UPF, Synthesis and STA.

VLSI Front end domain(Pre-synthesis flow) jobs can be classified in to multiple categories as RTL coding, RTL integration, and Functional verification. VLSI design flow is completely driven by design IP reuse, hence majority of jobs in front end design will be based on RTL integration, which involves integrating multiple IP's in to SOC as per architecture requirements. RTL integration engineer requires good exposure to RTL coding, Design constraints, Digital design concepts, good coding guidelines and exposure to Synthesis and STA concepts.

Majority of the training institutes are focused on Functional verification Course only(with no training on RTL design & integration), which means there are very few trained resources in RTL Design and integration domain, which makes it easy to find a job in front end domain as a RTL integration engineer. Statistics is for every 5 verification engineers, at least one RTL integration engineer will be required.  1000+ students getting trained in Functional verification(across institutes in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Noida, etc), compare this with 10's of students getting trained in RTL integration. Hence RTL Integration course will give you edge compared to functional verification course.

Like any other job role in VLSI design flow, RTL integration is also a tool intensive job. RTL Integration course will provide the student with expertise on Synopsys Spyglass(Lint and CDC), Design compiler for Synthesis and Primetime for STA. Tools helps with quick turn around in time critical projects, where integration engineer is expected to release the design tag in short timelines. With growing design complexity and reducing timelines, it requires efficient techniques for RTL connectivity and developing the logic for various blocks integration. LINTING is a static analysis of the RTL code based on some set of rules and guidelines. When these rules or guidelines are broken, LINT tool flags errors or warnings, which need to be reviewed, fixed or waived by designer. This course discusses good amount of LINT rules and guidelines, which will enable audience to gain good design practices and perform LINTING if needed.

Course will also focus on Splyglass based CDC(Clock domain crossover) for the synchronisation of various signals moving across one clock domain to another. Course will focus on in-depth analysis of Lint and CDC checks with hands-on integration project.

Similar to how we have multiple clocks in a System-On-Chip design we do have multiple power domains being used in modern SOCs for different reasons. Unified Power Format is IEEE standard developed by Accellera. This is used to ease the job of specifying, simulating and verifying the design with multiple power states and power islands. UPF is designed to specify power intent of a design at high level. UPF scripts mention the details of which power rails need to be connected to which IP, whether the register values need to be retained during power off, whether we need an isolation of design in case of power down and manages voltage levels shift as signals cross from one power domain to the other. In this course we discuss the need for multiple power domains, basics of UPF and some examples.

In today’s era, complex SoC chips are being realised using complex VLSI(EDA) tools, of which RTL2GDSII flow is being used extensively during any SoC manufacturing. This has enabled the realisation of very complex digital designs, which starts with design specification and modelling of design using HDL language. This high-level description of the design is mapped to its corresponding hardware using automation, known as “Synthesis,” without which it’s near to impossible to design very complex digital circuits.

Demo Videos


Unit NumberTopicDuration (Mins)
1RTl Integration overview116
2Lint Theory53
3Lint Labs66
4Running Lint on Asynchronous FIFO design28
5Running LINT on DMA AXI64 Design54
6Single bit crossing synchronization50
7Multi bit crossing (bin to gray and then synchronization)82
8Mux based synchronizer26
9Handshake synchronizer38
10Toggle synchronizer, Solution to Burst Data, Handling multi-bit control signals49
11Convergence, Divergence, Re-convergence, Reset Synchronizer, RDC61
13Capturing Design Intent in CDC Constraints45
14Need of Low power design, Various power reduction techniques32
15Special cells required for low power techniques42
16UPF session 3 UPF labs part 155
17UPF session 3 UPF labs part 262
18Coretools for RTL integration - theory88
19Coretools for RTL integration - theory and labs171
20Coretools for RTL integration - Labs94
21SDC (Synopsys Design constraints)104
22Synthesis advanced aspects202
23Synthesis advanced aspects160
25Synthessis LAB1173
26Synthessis LAB2150
27Formal LEC Session1162
28Formal LEC Session2122
29STA basics128
30STA advanced aspects122
31STA theory117
32STA labs180

RTL coding, lint checks
RTL integration
Connectivity checks
Functional Verification
Synthesis & STA
Gate level simulations
Power aware simulations
Placement and Routing
Custom layout
Post silicon validation
RTL coding, lint checks
RTL integration
Connectivity checks
Functional Verification
Synthesis & STA
Gate level simulations
Power aware simulations
Placement and Routing
Custom layout
Post silicon validation
Revision Management
IBM Clearcase
Project Management
Detailed overview of project phases
Significance of RTL integration in VLSI Design Flow
Digital Design basics
combinational logic
sequential logic, FF, latch, counters
Setup time, Hold time, timing closure, fixing setup time and hold time violations
STA basic concepts time, Hold time, timing closure, fixing setup time and hold time violations
File and directory management
User administration
Environment variables
Commonly used commands
Shell scripting basics
SEd and AWK
Revision management
Introduce TCL
Why TCL?
TCL Script Processing
Understand TCL uses and strengths
Writing simple TCL scripts
TCL for VLSI scripting
TCL : Main Features
TCL shell (tclsh)
Working with TCL scripts (UNIX)
TCL Interpreter in SoC Design Tools
TCL Scripting for SoC Design
TCL Commands
Substitution and Command Evaluation
Mathematical Functions
Control flow : if, if-else, switch, for, foreach, while, break and continue
String, string operations
List, List manipulation
Arrays, array methods
Working with files
Command line arguments
Regular expressions
Complete TCL Scripts
TCL Packages
Detailed overview of all Verilog-2001 constructs
Multiple hands on projects
Pattern detector
Synchronous and Asynchronous FIFO
Interrupt controller
SPI Controller
Watchdog timer
Vending machine
Overview of RTL Integration
Manual RTL integration
Need for Tool based Integration
coreTools Basics
Usage model for IP packaging
Usage model for IP integration
 Purpose of LINTING
• SpyGlass Lint Tool Flow
• Rules in SpyGlass Lint
CDC Basics
CDC Analysis
Introduction to Low Power
Power Intent and UPF
Special low power cells and requirements
Introduction to SpyGlass LP Static Check
Introduction to Synthesis
Data Setup for DC
Accessing Design and Library Objects
Constraints: Reg-to-Reg and I/O Timing
Constraints: Input Transition and Output Loading
Constraints: Multiple Clocks and Exceptions
Constraints: Complex Design Considerations
Post-Synthesis Output Data
Basic concepts of Formal verification and LEC
Input generation for LEC
Hands on project

Benefits of eLearning?
  • Access to the Instructor - Ask questions to the Instructor who taught the course
  • Available 24/7 - VLSIGuru eLearning courses are available when and where you need them
  • Learn at Your Pace - VLSIGuru eLearning courses are self-paced, so you can proceed when you're ready
Course Instructor
  • Dedicated Trainer Accessible On Phone / Email / Whatsapp
  • Trainer Exp: 15 Years

Price - ₹45,000 + GST

₹50,000    (10% Off)

10 hours left to avail at this price

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What Our Students Says About Inskill


  1. Course presentations for all topics
  2. Session notes
  3. Lab documents with detailed steps
  4. User guides

  1. Course presentations for all topics
  2. Session notes
  3. Lab documents with detailed steps
  4. User guides

  1. Yes, Course fee also includes support for doubt clarification sessions even after course completion
  2. Student can email queries
  3. Option to meet in person to clarify doubts

  1. Digital design fundamentals
  2. Verilog coding basics

  1. Each session of course is recorded, missed session videos will be shared

  1. Yes, You will have option to view the recorded videos of course for the sessions missed
  2. You will have option to repeat the course any time in next 1 year

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