Embedded Systems Training

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Embedded Systems Training

About Course

InSkills Training  (VG-EMBEDDED) is 5 months course to enable engineers develop skills in full breadth of InSkills starting from Advanced C,  Data Structures, LPC1313 Micro  controller architecture with ARM Cortex M3 processor, Linux internals and C++. Training  is offered in both classroom and online training modes. InSkills Training in Bangalore is targeted towards BE, ME fresher’s and Engineers working in other domains planning to make career in InSkills domain. Course structure is framed keeping in mind the current industry requirements.


InSkills Training divided in to multiple aspects,  with training focused on all aspects from InSkills basics,   all   industry standard micro controller architectures,  Embedded C programming, standard interface protocols and   multiple   industry   standard projects on  Automotive. All these topics are covered with practical examples based on these boards.

InSkills Training course also covers multiple   hands-on projects based on industry standard Automotive LPC1313 micro controller. Learning starts from developing simple board based projects to complex projects involving   multiple peripherals connected  to make a complex InSkill. All these projects are done from scratch. Course curriculum also ensures that student does these projects hands-on with trainer guidance as part of dedicated lab sessions.
InSkills Training also includes 30+ detailed assignments (10 in C and Data structures, 10 in Micro controllers and  Peripherals, 10 in Linux Internals). These assignments are prepared by industry experts covering all aspects from InSkills. Student gets to work on these assignments with complete guidance from trainers and student learning is evaluated using completion of assignments as the sole criteria. Student is offered with multiple (more than 10+) interview opportunities based on performance in assignments. Completion of all these assignments make a fresher as good as a 3+ year experienced engineer. That’s the quality of assignments!
VLSIGuru Institute has expertise in both VLSI and InSkill domain. We have trained more than 1000 graduates over last 5 years since training was started in 2012. VLSIGuru Institute is rated among the Best Embedded Training Institutes in Bangalore .
Below is salient features of InSkills Training course.
Introduction to InSkills
C Programming on InSkills
Fundamentals of C programming
C Data structures
InSkills interfacing with peripherals
Micro controller Architecture
ARM 32-bit Micro-controller
Hands on projects
Linux Internals
C++ Programming

Demo Videos
Unit NumberTopicDuration (Mins)
1Linux basics and Embedded C-data types194
2Embedded C-operators191
3Embedded C - Types of Variables, Functions and pointers202
4Embedded C - Control statements181
5Embedded C - Arrays and pointers176
6Embedded C - Data Structure186
7Embedded C - Data Structure continued106
8Embedded C - Operations using data-structures135
9Embedded C - Stack operations and Stack data structure157
10Embedded C - Recurssion and Tree data structures144
11Basic Architecture of ARM-LPC1313140
12Basics of C-progarm for ARM-LPC1313 using keil microvision 4 software172
13Implementing Key-touch program for ARM-LPC1313 and analysing using debugger167
14Configuring ARM-LPC1313 ADC and analysing using deugger175
15Configuring ARM-LPC1313 ADC Continued ,Basics of UART and configuring ARM-LPC1313 UART145
16Configuring ARM-LPC1313 SPI , Configuring ARM-LPC1313 LCD144
17Configuring ARM-LPC1313 I2C module151
18Configuring ARM-LPC1313 Timers and counters to generate PWM and creating Task schedular , Basics of CAN Protocol90
19CAN Protocol Continued , Embedded project design flow (Ex: light monitoring system in car)98
20Configuring ARM-LPC1313 UART continued ,Bascics Serial pheripheral interface103
21Process synchronization143
22Process synchronization continued , Memory management .131

Design Methods
Top Down Design
Bottom Up Design
Programming Languages
Low Level language
Machine Language
Assembly Language
High Level Languages
Structure of C Program
2.Elements of C
C Character set
Special Characters
Keywords/Reserved Words
Data Types
Numeric Constants
Character Constants
String Constants
Variable Declaration
Variable Initialisation
3.Operators And Expressions
Arithmetic Operators
Unary Arithmetic Operators
Binary Arithmetic Operators
Integer Arithmetic
Floating Point Arithmetic
Relational Operators
Logical Operators
AND (&&) Operator
OR (||) Operator
NOT (!) Operator
Sizeof Operator
4.Control Statements
If else
Nesting of If else Ladder
Else if Ladder
While Loop
Do While loop
For loop
Nesting of Loops
Infinite Loops
Break statement
Continue Statement
Switch Case
Advantages of Using Functions
Library Functions
User defined functions
Function Definition
Function Call
Return Statement
Function Arguments
Types Of Functions
Function with no Arguments and no Return type
Function with no Arguments and Return type
Function with Arguments and no Return type
Function with Arguments and Return type
Advantages and Disadvantages of recursion
Local variables In recursion
One dimensional Arrays
Declaration Of 1-D Array
Accessing 1-D Array
Initialisation of 1-D Array
1-D array and Functions
Two dimensional array
Declaration and Accessing of 2-D Array
Initialisation of 2-D arrays
Introduction to Strings
About Memory Organisation
Address Operator
Pointer Variables
Pointer Addresses
Pointer arithmetic’s
Pointer to Pointer
Pointer And 1-D array
Pointer and 2-d array
Pointers and Functions
Function returning Pointer
Array of pointers
Void Pointers
Dynamic Memory Allocation
String constants and String Variables
String Library Functions
String pointers
Array of strings
9.Structures and Unions
Defining a structure
Declaring Structure variables
With structure Definition
Using Structure Tag
Initialisation of Structure Variables
Accessing of Members of structures
Storage of Structures in Memory
Structure Bit-Fields
Sizeof structures
Array of Structures
Arrays within Structures
Pointers to Structures
Pointers Within Structures
Structures and functions
Self Referential structures
10.C Preprocessor
Macros and Macros With Arguments
Nesting in Macros
Problems with Macros
Macros vs Functions
Conditional Compilation
Predefined Macros
#pragma directive
11.Operation on Bits
Bitwise AND(&&)
Bitwise OR(|)
Bitwise XOR(^)
Bitwise Right Shift(>>)
Bitwise Left Shift(<<)
One’s Compliment
Bit fields
12.Storage Classes
1.Linked list
Introduction to single linked list
Traversing a single linked list
Inserting an element in SLL
Deleting a node from SLL
Question on rearranging an SLL
Question on moving last node to front of list
Printing the elements of SLL using recursion
Recursive program to reverse an SLL
Doubly linked list
Circular linked list
Problems on DLL and CLL
2. Stacks and Queues
Introduction to stacks
Implementing of stacks using arrays
Linked list implementation of stack
Implementing of queue using arrays
Implementing of queue using Linked list
Implementation of queue using circular array
Infix to postfix conversion algorithm
Postfix evaluation algorithm
Problems on Stacks and queues
Introduction to tree traversals
Implementation of traversals and time and space analysis
Double order traversal
Triple order traversal
Number of binary tress possible
Recursive program to count number of leaves and non leaves
Recursive program to find the height of tree
Binary search Tree
Problems on BST
1.Introduction to ARM Cortex m3
2.Introduction to LPC 1313
3.Memory Architecture
4.GPIO Handling
Configuring General Purpose Input and Output Module
Switching the Peripherals (on / off)
Signaling LED’s
Monitoring the User Keys…etc
LED Blinking
5.Analog Joystick
6.Analog touch Sensor
7.Analog Encoder
8.Seven Segment Display
Implementation of Analog to Digital Converter
Observing LM35(Temperature)
Analog Voltage Measurement (POT)
Finding Analog Joystick Positions
Implementation of Pulse Width Modulation
Motor Speed Control
Light Intensity Control
Buzzer Sound Control
Implementation of Timers
We Can Implement Task Scheduler
For Counting Events
For Encoder Pulses
14.Systic timer
Implementation of Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter
See the Controller data at live time in another Screen
Send Instructions to Machine when it is running
Perform Simplex communication
Implementation of Inter Integrated Circuit
Transmitting the Data from Master to Outside Slave
Saving the Live Data in EEPROM
Handling Real Time Clock
Implementation of Serial Peripheral Interface
Processor to Processor Communication
Handling DAC with SPI
Sending data to MAX7219(4 digit SSD)
Elaboration of Control Area Network
Real time data Transmission
Data Security
Filtering data
Error Handling
21.Cooperative task Scheduler
Implementation of Co-operative Task Scheduler
Periodic Execution of tasks
22.Real Time Projects
Project1 : Setting Factory Defaults
Usage: Fix vehicles speed limit, rpm, engine Temperature etc.
Project2 : Smart Home Automation
Usage: You can able to Set any electronic device when to ON and When to OFF or Automatically sensing etc.
23.Interview Point of Questions
NOTE:All Implementations are from Scratch(by seeing controller User Manual)
1. Operating System
What is an operating system
Why Linux?
Linux Kernel Architecture
2. The Process
Process State
Process Control Block
Context Switch
CPU scheduler
3. Scheduling Algorithms
FIFO Scheduling Algorithm
Round robin
Priority Based Scheduling
Shortest Job First
4. Processes
Creating Sub process with fork
Synchronising With the Creator process
System commands
The Process Table
Orphan and Zombie Process
5. Threads
6. Signals
7. The Operating System Interface
What are System Calls?
System call Interface
8.Inter-Process Communication
What is Pipe?
Parent and Child Processes
Reading closed Pipes
Accessing a FIFO
Client/Server Using FIFO
9. Process Synchronisation
Need of Synchronisation
Introduction to Synchronisation Mechanisms
Conditions for Synchronisation Mechanisms
Lock Variables
TSL Question
Disabling Interrupts
Turn Variable or Strict Alteration Method
interested Variable
Peterson Solution
Tracing Peterson Solution
Sleep and Wake
10. Introduction to Semaphores
Counting Semaphores
Problems on Counting Semaphore
Binary Semaphore or mutexes
11. Threads
Threads Creation
Thread Termination
Thread Synchronization
12.Inter Process Communication
Message Queues
Shared Memory segment
Semaphore Definition
Linux semaphore Facilities
Using Semaphore
13. Memory Management
Memory Hierarchy
Virtual memory
Fragmentation and Compaction
Dealing with Fragmentation
Page Table in Memory
Memory allocation with Paging
Sharing the processor and sharing Memory
Page Tables
Levels of page Table
Page Table Hierarchy
Page Tables problem
Page Replacement
Page Replacement Algorithms
Virtual to Physical address translation
Two level Translation
Three level Translation
14. DeadLocks
What is Deadlock?
Why Deadlock is a problem?
Conditions for Deadlock to Occur
How to deal with Deadlock
Deadlock Prevention
Deadlock Avoidance
Deadlock Recovery
Deadlock Handling Mechanisms
Bankers Algorithm
Resource allocation Graph
1. Introduction
Why C++
Difference Between C and C ++
Procedural Oriented Programming Language
Object Oriented Programming Language
2.What is C++
Features of C++
Data Encapsulation
Data Abstraction
3. Basic Input Output Statements in C++
The standard output stream(cout)
C++ program Structure
Compiling and Executing C++ Program
New Datatypes in C++
4. Scope Resolution Operator
Syntax of Scope resolution operator
C++ References vs Pointers
C++ pointers vs References
5. Function Overloading
What is function Overloading
Default Values in parameters
Argument passed by value and reference
Inline functions
What is Inline function?
Reason for the need of Inline Function
Difference between Inline functions and Macros
Advantages of Inline functions
6. Class
What is Class?
Features of Class?
How to Write a Class?
Access Specifiers
Creation of Objects
Data Encapsulation Example
Malloc and New
7. Friend Classes
Friend functions
Friend Classes
Class Member Functions and Classes as Friends
Friend Declarations
8. Constructors
Types of Constructors
Default Constructor
Parameterized Constructor
Copy Constructor
9. Operator Overloading
Operator overloading Restrictions
Operator overloading of Different Unary and Binary Operators
10. Inheritance
Inheritances Between classes
Types of Inheritance
Single Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance
Multi Level Inheritance
Hybrid Inheritance
Hierarchical Inheritance
11. Polymorphism
Pointers to Base class
Abstract base classes
12. Templates
Function Templates
Class Templates
Advantages of templates
13. Exception Handling
Exceptional Behaviour
Facing an Exception
Catching Multiple Exceptions
Nesting Exceptions
Group discussions will be running throughout the course

Benefits of eLearning?


  • Access to the Instructor - Ask questions to the Instructor who taught the course
  • Available 24/7 - VLSIGuru eLearning courses are available when and where you need them
  • Learn at Your Pace - VLSIGuru eLearning courses are self-paced, so you can proceed when you're ready
Course Instructor
  • Dedicated Trainer Accessible On Phone / Email / Whatsapp
  • Trainer Exp: 15 Years

Price - ₹50,000 + GST

₹58,000   (15% Off)

10 hours left to avail at this price

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Course Highlights

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What Our Students Says About Inskill


  1. Course presentations for all topics
  2. Session notes
  3. Lab documents with detailed steps
  4. User guides

  1. Exposure to C Language programming
  2. Exposure to any processor architecture
  3. Exposure to some standard interface protocols like I2C, SPI, GPIO etc
  4. Above all is good to know, however trainer will start from basic concepts without any assumptions on student exposure to above topics

  1. Course will cover multiple Hands on Embedded Systems Projects based onRaspberry Pi &amp; PIC Microcontroller. These projects are integrated in to eachsession of course giving practical overview of each aspect learnt.
  2. Ex: While learning Interface protocols like GPIO, SPI, I2C, we will use Raspbery Piboard to teach how these protocol communication work on board.

  1. Course has been framed by industry veteran(Girish Kumar) with 16+ years of industry experience
  2. Course will be completely executed by Girish Kumar(Previously manager with Cisco Systems)

  1. Embedded systems training course is offered both classroom and through online
  2. Online sessions will be done using gotomeeting.com
  3. Student has option to attend a demo session(for both class room &amp; online) before registering for course

  1. Each session of course is recorded, missed session videos will be shared

  1. Yes, You will have option to view the recorded videos of course for the sessions missed
  2. You will have option to repeat the course any time in next 1 year

  1. Yes, Course fee also includes support for doubt clarification sessions even after course completion
  2. Student has option to mail queries or clarify doubts in person