HBM3 training

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HBM3 training

About Course

An HBM3 training course typically covers the fundamentals of DRAM, HBM architecture, and HBM3-specific features, including signal descriptions, channel architecture, and error handling, aiming to equip engineers with the knowledge for designing and validating systems using HBM3 technology.

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Benefits of eLearning?
  • Access to the Instructor - Ask questions to the Instructor who taught the course
  • Available 24/7 - VLSIGuru eLearning courses are available when and where you need them
  • Learn at Your Pace - VLSIGuru eLearning courses are self-paced, so you can proceed when you're ready
Course Instructor
  • Dedicated Trainer Accessible On Phone / Email / Whatsapp
  • Trainer Exp: 15 Years

Price - ₹7,000 + GST

₹10,000    (30% Off)

10 hours left to avail at this price

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DFT Training FAQ

  1. Course presentations for all topics
  2. Session notes
  3. Lab documents with detailed steps
  4. User guides

Course does not have any pre-requisites. However any exposure to Digital design, VLSI design flow is an added advantage.

  • Each session of course is recorded, missed session videos will be shared

  1. Yes, You will have option to view the recorded videos of course for the sessions missed
  2. You will have option to repeat the course any time in next 1 year

  1. Yes, Course fee also includes support for doubt clarification sessions even after course completion
  2. You have option to mail you queries
  3. Option to meet in person to clarify doubts